Our Companion Diocese:

                The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina


What is a companion diocese relationship?

"A companion diocese relationship is about God's work, love, trust, and the building of churches and programs.  But, most importantly, it is the building of relationships between people."

                                ---Martha Alexander, NC Companion Diocese



For several years, the Episcopal Churches of Costa Rica and North Carolina have been working together to share their common mission of living in the spirit of God.  This relationship has been strengthened through many mission projects in both the U.S. and in Costa Rica.  

If you'd like to be involved in strengthening this companion relationship, please contact us by mail, phone, or email.


The Episcopal Church of Costa Rica

Apartado 2773-1000.  San Jose, Costa Rica  
Tel: 011-506-253-0790, Fax: 011-506-253-8331